• Bruce Logue

    Executive chef and owner, BoccaLupo Atlanta native Bruce Logue lives on the Westside, but his much-touted Italian restaurant, BoccaLupo, is in Inman Park. If you’ve dined at the cozy locale, you’re familiar with his handmade pastas presented with Southern flair. Favorite restaurant: Le Fat, Westside Why he loves it: It has a great vibe and ...
  • 5234

    Founder, localhippo Who hasn’t gotten a gift bag full of mass-produced tchotchkes and thought, “I’ll never use this!”? On the contrary, if you’re lucky enough to receive one of Inman Park resident Sara Maffey’s thoughtfully curated and beautifully presented boxes through her company, localhippo, your first emotion will likely be elation. The 33-year-old New Jersey ...
  • 3387

    The term “westside” covers a lot of ground, starting with the expansive Atlantic Station to the revitalized commercial district along Marietta Street and Howell Mill Road. Once a predominately industrial and meatpacking district, the area is now awash in oversized warehouses that lend themselves to loft apartments and work studios. Mixed in with the old ...