• 44275

    5 of our favorite spots for the beloved midmorning meal STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin Atlanta has practically elevated brunch— that liminal period between breakfast and lunch—to an art form. It’s the magical meal where it’s appropriate (required even) to linger as long as possible, enjoying friends, food and maybe a cocktail or two. Here are ...
  • 13628

    11 top breakfast spots’ most in-demand dishes STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin We’re not ashamed to play favorites, so we asked some of Atlanta’s best morning restaurant haunts what gets ordered most during the breakfast hours. Their answers may surprise and inspire you. Star Provisions Market & Café: French Omelet Baguette “It’s special because it’s unusual ...
  • 14520

    Who says you can’t have dinner for breakfast? STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin Sometimes you can’t wait all day to chow down on your favorite foods. Lucky for us, these restaurants offer hearty dinnertime dishes right out of the gate. You’ve heard of breakfast for dinner, well, welcome to dinner for breakfast. Chick-a-Biddy: Fried Chicken Sandwich ...
  • 15662

    Three rejuvenating facials perfect for the season’s transition STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin As the Atlanta weather turns from frigid to balmy, our skin might need a tune-up to match the shift in seasons. Here are three facials to help your visage transition from winter’s gray to sparkling spring days. Ultimate HydraFacial at Natural Body Spa ...
  • 20811

    CBD and hemp-infused products are all the rage STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin It’s still illegal to buy marijuana in Georgia, but health and beauty products that contain the plant’s cannabidiol (CBD for short) are legal and catching on fast. Unlike cannabis’ other mood altering THC compound (not legal here), CBD is non-psychoactive, but boasts benefits ...
  • 12030

    Real Men Buy Flowers’ Kenan Hillon her blooming business STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin PHOTO: Sara Hanna Like many women, Kenan Hill loves receiving flowers, and, like many guys, her husband isn’t a fan of picking up unimpressive grocery store blooms or sending pricey florist arrangements that can feel like a gamble for the cost. The ...
  • 4347

    Emilie Sennebogen decodes the complex world of essential oils STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin Photo: Kathryn McCrary In enlightened 2018, natural home and skincare products are popping up everywhere as our wariness of toxins grows (raise your hand if you’ve engaged in some kind of detox). That wasn’t the case when Emilie Sennebogen started experimenting with ...
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    This workout is so fun, you might forget it’s work STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin PHOTOS: Stephen Payne I’m practicing pop-ups, paddling and improving my balance atop a surfboard, and I’m doing it all within landlocked Atlanta’s city limits. “This was the workout that got me excited about working out,” says Jeanette Straeter, owner of City ...
  • The author and her horse, Ivan, explore the ranch’s rugged landscape.

    A week on a Montana guest ranch is good for the soul STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin I listened to a podcast while stuck in Atlanta’s gridlock, and the speaker referenced a recent study that found Westerners spend 93 percent of their lives indoors or in climate-controlled spaces, often staring at technology’s blue light. Worse, most ...