The sun is out, temperatures are rising and it’s time to refresh your surroundings for spring. Four Atlanta DIYers share easy tips and tricks for breathing new life into your living space…
Mild though they may be compared to many corners of our country, Atlanta winters still pack in their fair share of dull and dreary days. Translation: Weeks on end spent hunkered down at home with the windows closed and your favorite cozy accessories within easy reach. But worry not. Spring has sprung, which means it’s time to throw those windows open and wave goodbye to wet, gray weather—and the doldrums that go along with it. As the dogwoods and cherry trees bloom back to life around you this spring, see to it that your space—whether it be home, office or both—does too. Need help getting started? We asked four crafty design experts how to rouse a home from hibernation and ready it for spring – READ MORE
Karen Cooper
Blogger, The DIY Bungalow
Beth Kooby
Owner, Beth Kooby Design
Lizzy Jackson
Owner, Style by Lizzy Jackson
Jennifer Chanler
Owner JCC Interiors
STORY: Melanie Lasoff Levs
PHOTO: Sara Hanna